Thai airport advertisement


Suvarnabhumi Airport (Thai: สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ, English: Suvarnabhumi Airport), IATA:BKK,ICAO:VTBS), Also known as Suvarnabhumi International Airport, also known as the National Airport of Thailand or the New Bangkok International Airport, it is located at the 15th milestone of the Bangna Trad highway in the kingdom of Thailand's Samurai Province, about 30 kilometers west of Bangkok city center. It is a 4F level international airport and a large international hub airport
素万那普机场(泰语:สนามบินสุวรรณภูมิ,英语:Suvarnabhumi Airport,IATA:BKK,ICAO:VTBS),又译作苏凡纳布国际机场,也称泰国国家机场、新曼谷国际机场,位于泰王国沙没巴干(北榄)府Bangna-Trad公路第15里程碑处,西距曼谷市中心约30千米,为4F级国际机场、大型国际枢纽机场


媒体形式:静态灯箱媒体、数字led媒体、其他媒体 (落地展示、登机桥、手推车)
Media forms: static lightbox media, digital LED media, other media (ground display, boarding bridge, handcart)


Thailand Suvarnabhumi Airport International Arrival Digital LED Advertisement
您的品牌知名度的完美区域 具有数字宽屏的独家媒体,通过以下方式影响您的品牌 创意广告 用独特的数字媒体吸引眼球迎接乘客
The perfect area for your brand awareness has exclusive digital widescreen media that influences your brand's creative advertising through unique digital media to attract attention and welcome passengers
尺寸: 1.5(高)x 7.5(宽)米
地点 :曼谷机场国际抵达
观众: 到达曼谷机场国际旅客
Size: 1.5 (height) x 7.5 (width) meters
Location: Bangkok Airport International Arrival
Audience: International travelers arriving at Bangkok Airport

Bangkok Airport International Arrival Vertical LED Screen Display Advertisement
覆盖曼谷机场中央到达大厅D的100%乘客, 在移民控制中心之前 通过重复实现高品牌保留率 无法忍受的长时间步行
Covering 100% of passengers in the central arrival hall D of Bangkok Airport, the unbearable long walk through repeated high brand retention rates before the immigration control center
媒体数量: 10个液晶显示屏
地点: 曼谷机场国际到达区域
Number of media: 10 LCD screens
Location: Bangkok Airport International Arrival Area

Bangkok Airport International Arrival Giant LED Digital Screen
专为100%国际抵达旅客打造的专属展示 由于其大格式和数字媒体,非常引人注目 能见度长;乘客可以从远处看到显示器;曝光的时间更长
The exclusive display designed specifically for 100% international arrivals is highly eye-catching due to its large format and digital media, resulting in long visibility; Passengers can see the monitor from a distance; The exposure time is longer

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